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Despite today’s technologically-driven society, printed brochures still play a crucial role in business promotion and information dissemination. Organisations still have much to gain from a handheld printed booklet containing relevant information. Packaged in a straightforward, easy-to-read manner, the information on brochures can help advance your marketing objectives.
Brochures are an excellent avenue to engage with your target audience. Their limited space pushes you to convey all the necessary information in an uncluttered, organised way, ensuring effective communication.
With that in mind, businesses should practice caution in planning the content of their brochures to effectively communicate their intended message. Before you send off your raw files to a brochure printing service, here are a few considerations for planning a brochure:
Define the Purpose of Your Brochure
Before you plan your brochure’s content, you need to determine where it fits into your business’ sale and promotion process. What do you need to communicate to your audience? Would your marketing goals benefit from a ‘leave-behind’ brochure that you will present to a customer after a presentation? A point-of-sale pamphlet queued-up customers can pick up from the counter? Or a brochure sent directly to the end-user in response to an enquiry?
Additionally, your brochure’s content should match your promotional plans. For branding consistency, align your brochure design with your campaign and its established themes. Avoid adding redundant or well-established information and focus instead on essential or little-known facts about your product or service.
Know and Understand Your Audience
In determining the content that will go into your brochure, you need to understand your audience’s needs and what they will respond to. It involves striking a balance between broadness and specificity. Include information about your service and your industry, but do not overwhelm them with technical details.
Organise Your Selling Points
Incorporating useful information is one thing. Presenting them in a manner that the audience will appreciate is another matter entirely. Most people read and absorb information a certain way. Recognising these patterns will help you a great deal. Again, this requires knowing your audience to determine what they will respond favourably to.
One helpful tip is placing the most important information on the front page or the top of the list. This will give your clients a clear picture of your message instantly. Place additional details in the middle of the brochure, as they will supplement the big picture that you have provided your clients.
Include what your company can do for the client. If you present issues in the front or top section, make sure to link your company’s services to them. The guiding principle is to display the facts accurately and concisely while making the connections between information clear.
With these tips, you will produce an effective and functional brochure that stands out from the rest.
At BPH Printers, we can help you produce quality promotional prints for engaging your clients. Contact us today and we’ll provide you with high-quality printing services at competitive prices.